Reach out, Raise up, Refine.

Welcome to New Beginnings Church

More Than a Church

New Beginnings has a long history in Myerstown, PA, but what we are most excited about is the future of our church! We are experiencing a fresh start and welcome all who want to be a part of the exciting season God has us in right now!

Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors, and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds and strive to lead all who worship with us toward a deeper love for God, greater knowledge of the Scriptures, and service towards each other and our community.

Gatherings at New Beginnings

Please come and connect with our church family.


We gather for Sunday services at 10am in our main sanctuary, but come early to enjoy some coffee and fellowship with us in the foyer!

Acts 2:42 ministry

Acts 2:42 Ministry is what we call our Sunday School time between 9-9:45am for both adults and children.

We Exist To:

Reach out

To our community
with the Gospel

Raise Up

Faithful followers of


As the Spirit


 game night  

September 13, 2024 

 6:30 – 9:00 PM

Bring a chair, snack, and cheer on the phillies!

Ongoing Event: Art of Marriage Nights

Join Us For Worship
Every Sunday at 10:00am